Dr. Meng has more than15-year research experience in molecular biology, small molecule drug andpharmacology, as well as over 10-year experience of drug development andmanagement in pharma industry. He is familiar with the overall process of drugR&D ranging from research to clinic, from market to venture. He also staysin touch with the latest progress in biopharma domestic and abroad. Hemaintains a broad network with researchers, industrialists, entrepreneurs andinvestors. Dr. Meng was CEO of a traditional Chinese medicine technologycompany and Chief Technical Officer of Jianxin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. Dr.Meng received Ph.D. degree of Biochemistry from Chinese Academy of Sciences. Hecompleted postdoctoral training in Harvard and Washington University School ofMedicine, and he also received MPA degree from Kennedy School at Harvard. Dr.Meng was Beijing Scientific Leader Program.
Dr. Wang is a Member of Board of Directors. He received Ph.D. degree from Washington University at St. Louis. He completed postdoctoral training in Princeton University, and was Assistant Professor of Harvard Medical School. Dr. Wang was a professor of pathology in Creighton University, director of an oncology laboratory when he founded Shenogen together with Dr. Kun Meng. Dr. Wang has over 20-year experience in cancer research. He is expert in molecular cancer biology, especially cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Dr. Wang is dedicated to study breast cancer related genes. He identified and cloned a novel membrane estrogen receptor ER-alpha 36 and studied its functions. His findings greatly contributed to the understanding of the pathogenesis of breast cancer, and got high remarks from Elwood Jensen, fellow of National Academy of Sciences and V. Craig Jordan, “Father of Tamoxifen”. Dr. Wang received grants from NIH, American Cancer Society, the US Department of Defense and Susan G. Komen Foundation. Dr. Wang has authored/ co-authored more than 70 peer-reviewed papers, host and attended many key scientific conferences, written four books and owned three granted patents. Dr. Wang returned China in 2014. He was Shandong Taishan Academician Program.